Step 1

Step 2

Primary Emergency Action

“Shelter-In-Place” or “Evacuate” is based on the Bushfire Ready School category which determines the safest preferred primary action under ‘normal’ bushfire conditions. ‘Normal’ fire conditions are indicative to the Fire Danger Index range of 0-49, being Fire Danger Rating range of low-moderate, high and very high.

Primary Emergency Action
1.0 School Bushfire Emergency Plan Contact(s) & Details
1.1 School Contact(s)
You have added 0 out of 4 allowed Emergency Contacts.
1.2 School Details
2.0 Emergency Roles & Responsibilities

Identify the people with the emergency duties and responsibilities for the school's building areas/zones and/or student year groups. This identifies who will do what in the event of a bushfire and includes the role of fire wardens and other official roles.

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3.0 Emergency Contacts

The following table identifies important contacts and information sources for bushfire emergency management purposes.

Emergency Contacts
Emergency Situation Agency / Service Phone Number / Website Operations
Carmel Fire Department
You have added 1 out of 9 allowed Emergency Contacts.
4.0 Pre-emptive Procedures

Evaluation of bushfire risk and the safety of occupants has determined that the following pre-emptive measures should be implemented outside of normal bushfire conditions.

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Actions Order

Step 3

5.0 Evacuation Procedures

Evacuation involves the moving of people to a safe off-site refuge that is located away from an oncoming bushfire. Identify the triggers (decision point) and actions to evacuate the school in the event of a bushfire emergency. The trigger to evacuate must allow for the time required to transport people to an off-site refuge. Triggers may incorporate bushfire Alerts, forecast Fire Danger Ratings, observations and others such as being directed by your education department.

5.1 Evacuation Procedures
Evacuation Procedures
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5.2 Evacuation Assembly Points
An assembly point is the designated place (or places) on the school grounds where people can assemble safely awaiting evacuation.
Evacuation Assembly Points Order
5.3 Off-Site Shelter(s)

An off-site shelter is the evacuation destination. Ideally multiple (minimum of 3) off-site sheltering sites are assessed and listed in your plan. Consider the following when assessing an off-site shelter:

  1. Ability to accommodate all students, staff and visitors;
  2. The site provides access to toilets and water;
  3. Sufficient distance away from the effects of bushfire to be a safer location;
  4. Easily identifiable, accessible and allows access for students and staff of all abilities
  5. Sufficient vehicle access and safe route(s) for evacuation; and
  6. The off-site shelter operators/management agree to your sheltering plans.
You have added 0 out of 5 allowed Off-Site Shelter.
5.4 Evacuation Transportation Arrangements

Identify how all the people at your school will be transported to the identified off-site shelter(s). Ideally multiple transportation options are identified, assessed, consulted and listed in your plan.

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Step 4

6.0 Shelter in Place Procedures

The option to shelter on-site will be identified by thorough risk analysis using a range of bushfire scenarios. This will include calculation of how bushfire may affect the site and potential consequences for its occupants. On site locations must be capable of protecting all occupants from the threat of an oncoming bushfire.

6.1 Sheltering Procedures

Identify the triggers (decision points) and actions to get everyone together and shelter on-site safely in the event of bushfire emergency. Triggers may incorporate bushfire Alerts, forecast Fire Danger Ratings, observations and others such as being directed by your education department or emergency services.

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Actions Order
6.2 Shelter Locations
Shelter Location Order
7.0 Attachments

Consider adding your school’s site plan that identifies the areas of safe assembly, the school’s Bushfire Assessment Report and/or other emergency planning documentation to support the schools Bushfire Emergency Plan.

7.1 Plan Distribution

When the plan is created you will be able to send emails of the Bushfire Emergency Plan to key contacts. Consider emailing the plan to the people who are on the schools emergency planning committee, those who have emergency roles and responsibilities, to the transport company and the management of the off-site sheltering venue.

Email Order